Prototyping to build a social enterprise
Prototyping to build a social enterprise
Clients: Eastern Congo Initiative / Alight / Asili
Clients: Eastern Congo Initiative / Alight / Asili
Clients: Eastern Congo Initiative / Alight / Asili
Prototyping Magic
Prototyping Magic
Prototyping Magic
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, one in five children don’t reach their fifth birthday. The Eastern Congo Initiative approached to build a social enterprise that addresses the root causes of child mortality in a holistic and sustainable way.
The Collaboration:
The design team conducted community co-design sessions to envision the future of rural health services, access to clean water, as well as what people could afford to pay for services. The team built a model for a social enterprise and the underlying business model.
Over the years, the Asili team has continued to anchor on community needs and co-creation as the model has grown. In 2019, after just five years of operation, Asili services reached an average of 120,000 customers every day, cared for 10,919 patients through four health clinics and sold 43 million liters of clean water through 28 Asili retail water points
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, one in five children don’t reach their fifth birthday. The Eastern Congo Initiative approached to build a social enterprise that addresses the root causes of child mortality in a holistic and sustainable way.
The Collaboration:
The design team conducted community co-design sessions to envision the future of rural health services, access to clean water, as well as what people could afford to pay for services. The team built a model for a social enterprise and the underlying business model.
Over the years, the Asili team has continued to anchor on community needs and co-creation as the model has grown. In 2019, after just five years of operation, Asili services reached an average of 120,000 customers every day, cared for 10,919 patients through four health clinics and sold 43 million liters of clean water through 28 Asili retail water points
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, one in five children don’t reach their fifth birthday. The Eastern Congo Initiative approached to build a social enterprise that addresses the root causes of child mortality in a holistic and sustainable way.
The Collaboration:
The design team conducted community co-design sessions to envision the future of rural health services, access to clean water, as well as what people could afford to pay for services. The team built a model for a social enterprise and the underlying business model.
Over the years, the Asili team has continued to anchor on community needs and co-creation as the model has grown. In 2019, after just five years of operation, Asili services reached an average of 120,000 customers every day, cared for 10,919 patients through four health clinics and sold 43 million liters of clean water through 28 Asili retail water points